发布时间:2020-11-05    发布人:杨武   

姓 名:汪涛

职 称:副教授

职 务:



电 话:










[1] 汪涛. 矩形微带天线的设计及FDTD分析[J]. 山西电子技术, 2007, 24(6):66-67.

[2] 汪涛. 4元微带阵列天线的设计与FDTD分析[J]. 辽宁大学学报(增刊),2007, 5:42-44.

[3] 汪涛,易茂祥,毛剑波. 相控阵天线的设计与FDTD分析[J].山西电子技术, 2011,28 (5): 46-48.

[4] 毛剑波, 黄正峰, 杨明武, 汪涛, 宣晓峰. 微带线不连续性辐射研究[J]. 电子测量与仪器学报, 2012, 26(5):392-397.

[5] 汪涛,易茂祥,刘士兴,黄正峰. 天线仿真实验的设计与教学实践[J]. 实验技术与管理, 2012, 29(12):89-93.

[6]毛剑波,汪涛, 张天畅.微电子专业集成电路版图设计的教学研究[J].中国电力教育, 2012(23):52-53.

[7] 汪涛,黄正峰,张鉴,张天畅. 微带阵列天线的设计与FDTD分析[J]. 舰船电子工程, 2013, 33(12):64-66.

[8]Tao Wang(汪涛),Qianfeng Yu,Gang Zhao,Dayong Gao. Effect of superparamagnetic nanoparticles on microwave rewarming process of cryopreserved tissues[C]. ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, Oregon, USA, 2013.6.26-6.29. (EI)

[9]Tao Wang (汪涛), Gang Zhao. Feasibility evaluation of a hybrid cryotherm probe[C]. 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology,Washington DC,USA, 2013.7.28-7.31.

[10] Tao Wang (汪涛), Gang Zhao, Xin M. Liang, Yunpeng Xu, Yang Li, Heyu Tang, Rui Jiang, Dayong Gao. Numerical simulation of the effect of super-paramagnetic nanoparticles on microwave rewarming of cryopreserved tissues[J]. Cryobiology, 2014. 68(2): 234-243. SCI

[11]汪涛,黄正峰. 直线阵列天线的设计与性能分析. 信息技术[J], 2014, 27(4):30-32.

[12] Tao Wang (汪涛), Gang Zhao, Bensheng Qiu. Theoretical evaluation of the treatment effectiveness of a novel coaxial multi-slot antenna for conformal microwave ablation of tumors. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [J], 2015. 90: 81-91.SCI

[13]Tao Wang (汪涛), Gang Zhao,Zhongshan Deng, Cai Gao, Yunxia Cao, Dayong Gao. Theoretical investigation of a novel microwave antenna aided cryovial for rapid and uniform rewarming of frozen cryoprotective agent solutions[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015. 89: 968-977. SCI

[14]Tao Wang (汪涛), Gang Zhao. Numerical simulation on microwave rewarming of cryopreserved rabbit kidney with embedded superparamagnetic nanoparticles[J]. Cryoletters, 2015. 36(3): 213-220. SCI

[15]Tao Wang (汪涛), Gang Zhao, Heyu Tang, Zhendong Jiang. Determination of convective heat transfer coefficient at the outer surface of a cryovial being plunged into liquid nitrogen[J]. Cryoletters, 2015. 36(4): 285-288. SCI

[16] Zhen WangGang Zhao, Tao Wang (汪涛), Qianfeng Yu, Minying Su, Xiaoming He. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the effects of fractal vascular trees on tissue temperature and intracelluar ice formation during combined cancer therapy of cryosurgery and hyperthermia[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015. 90: 296-304. SCI

[17] Wei LiuGang Zhao, Zhiquan ShuTao Wang(汪涛), Kaixuan ZhuDayong Gao. High-precision approach based on microfluidic perfusion chamber for quantitative analysis of biophysical properties of cell membrane[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015. 86: 869-879.SCI

[18] 汪涛, 刘士兴, 黄正峰, 李祥. 平面相控阵天线的单元设计与分析[J]. 实验技术与管理, 2015, 32(1):75-78.

[19]汪涛,刘士兴,易茂祥,杨文华. CMOS集成温度传感器电路设计及仿真[J]. 实验技术与管理, 2015, 32(6):114-116.

[20] Tao Wang (汪涛), Gang Zhao. Determination of the convective heat transfer coefficients on the outer surfaces of the cryovials plunged in liquid nitrogen and 37 °C water bath[C]. Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird Resort, Utah, USA, 2015.6.17-6.20. (EI)

[21] 赵刚,朱凯旋,高大勇,邱本勝,许云鹏,沈凌霄,汪涛. 核磁共振兼容型冷热疗系统[P],专利号: ZL201210590514.8,授权公告日: 2015.02.11,中国发明专利。

[22]赵刚,王震,汪涛,白雪飞.一种生物样品冻存装置及方法[P],专利号: ZL201510028299.6,授权公告日:2016.6.8,中国发明专利。

[23] 王鹏(研究生),汪涛,丁坤,易茂祥. 一种高增益三级运算放大器[J]. 微电子学, 2018, 48(5):579-584.

[24] Jun Xu, Cheng, Xialan Cheng, Tong Liu, Yongqiang Yu, Lingling Song, Yu You, Tao Wang(汪涛), Jun jun Zhang, Oxygen-incorporated and layer-by-layer stacked WS2 nanosheets for broadband, self-driven and fast-response photodetection[J]. Nanoscale, 2019. 11: 6810-6816.SCI

[25] Linbao Luo, Guo-An Wu, Yang Gao, Lin Liang, ChaoXie, Zhixiang Zhang, Xiao wei Tong, Tao Wang(汪涛), Fengxia Liang. A Highly Sensitive Perovskite/Organic Semi- conductor Heterojunction Phototransistor and Its Device Optimization Utilizing the Selective Electron Trapping Effect[J]. Advanced optical materials, 2019. 7: 1900272.SCI

[26] Hailing Ruan, Tao Wang(汪涛), Cai Gao. Microwave-water bath hybrid warming for frozen cryoprotectant solution using a helical antenna[J]. Cryoletters, 2020. 74(1): 26-30. SCI

[27]丁坤(研究生),田睿智,汪涛,王鹏,易茂祥,张庆哲. 高线性度CMOS模拟乘法器设计与仿真[J]. 电子技术应用,202046(1)52-56.

[28]张庆哲(本科生),汪涛,赵友明,田睿智. 基于二维码与短信的快速生理参数查询网站开发设计[J]. 中国科技论文在线.202005-36.

[29]赵友明(本科生),汪涛,张庆哲,田睿智,张天畅. 基于互联网和传感器的家庭健康监护系统[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文.20204.

[30] 汪涛,陈兴盛,丁盼盼,刘劲松. 一种改进型高功率KU波段限幅器的设计[J]. 信息技术与信息化, 2021, (2),159-163.

[31] 汪涛,陈兴盛,何贺贺,刘劲松. KU波段卫星功放预失真电路及温度补偿设计[J],电子制作,2021, (2) ,19-21.

[32] 汪涛,田睿智,赵友明,张庆哲,张天畅,易茂祥.基于STM32和滤波算法的生理参数多点监测系统及电路设计[J]. 实验技术与管理, 2021, 38(11):78-85.

[33]汪涛,肖贵将,易茂祥. 梯度带隙钙钛矿太阳能电池的设计[J]. 中国科技论文在线.202104-8.

[34]汪涛,肖贵将,易茂祥. 全钙钛矿叠层太阳能电池的载流子传输层材料设计[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文.202104-143.

[35] Tao Wang(汪涛),Mengdii ding, Hehe He, Jianbo Mao, Jiufu Ruan. Ultra-wideband polarization- and angle- insensitive metamaterial absorber based on multi-layer resistive ink [J]. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2021:272-284. SCI

[36] Zifan Meng, Zhi Tao, Feng Lan, Jiufu Ruan, Fei Cai, Tao Wang(汪涛). Frequency selective surface based on Ti3C2Tx MXene for dual band Wi-Fi applications[J].Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2021, pp:1130-1140.SCI

[37] Tao Wang(汪涛),Guijiang Xiao, Ren Sun, Linbao Luo, Maoxiang Yi. High efficiency ETM-free perovskite cell composed by CuSCN and increasing gradient CH3NH3PbI3[J]. Chinese physics B, 2022, 31(1)018801. SCI

[38]Tao Wang(汪涛), Hehe He, Mengdi Ding, Jianbo Mao, Ren Sun, Lei Sheng.A flexible ultra-broadband metamaterial absorber working on whole K-bands with polarization-insensitive and wide-angle stability[J]. Chinese physics B, 2022, 31(3)037804.SCI

[39] 汪涛, 何贺贺, 丁梦迪. 柔性透明雷达-红外兼容隐身超材料设计[J]. 燕山大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 46(2): 142-149.

[40] 汪涛,丁梦迪,何贺贺.基于集总电阻的超宽带吸波器设计[J].燕山大学学报(自然科学版)2022, 46(4): 371-376.

[41]Jiajia Wu, Cai Gao, Dongfang Sun, Lei Yang, Bin Ye, Tao Wang(汪涛), Pei Zhou.  Thermally mediated double emulsion droplets formation in a six-way junction microfluidic device. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects [J] 2023. 130961.SCI



